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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cameron Diaz seems to want to talk more about sex, No Love Life, No Problem

Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz seems to want to talk more about sex, No Love Life, No Problem

She's at peace with how her last big relationship turned out, and isn't ready for a new one just yet Cameron Diaz sums it up like this way:

The former, of course, involved Justin Timberlake. They broke up in 2007, but have been all smiles and giggles lately on the set of their film Bad Teacher.

In a new interview in Playboy's July issue, Diaz says they have no hard feelings, and are fully back to joking around together.

We're adults," she says. "Of course we could work together. It's been three years since we broke up. It's all done. … We're friends; he's really talented and funny, and we're good at being funny together. A great dynamic we have is that we love laughing together ... He's so hilarious."

And what about the Alex Rodriguez rumors – are she and the New York Yankees slugger more than friends?

"No, no, no," Diaz says. "I've been in relationships since I was 16 years old. In the past three years I've made a conscious decision not to be in a relationship for as long as I want. … I want to have a relationship with myself right now."

Instead of love, Diaz seems to want to talk more about sex – saying she craves a strong physical connection with a man. "I'm primal on an animalistic level, kind of like, 'Bonk me over the head, throw me over your shoulder. You man, me woman,' " she says. "Not everybody has the right kind of primal thing for me. … I love physical contact. I have to be touching my lover, like, always. It's not optional."

In fact, when it comes to physical attraction, it doesn't even have to be a man on the other end. "Sexuality and love can be different things," she says. "I can be attracted to a woman sexually, but it doesn't mean I want to be in love with a woman. If I'm going to be with a woman sexually, it doesn't mean I'm a lesbian. We put these restraints and definitions on people, but it's hard to define."


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